Call for English Poster and Demo Papers

CCKS-IJCKG 2024 is the Joint Conference of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs (IJCKG 2024) and the 18th China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing (CCKS 2024). CCKS-IJCKG 2024 is pleased to invite submissions for the Posters and Demonstration session, which complements the full papers of the conference. This session provides an opportunity to present late-breaking research results, ongoing research projects, and speculative or innovative work in progress. Poster and Demo presentations allow researchers to present their work directly to the audience and receive feedback on significant work in progress, bleeding-edge work, or research that is best communicated interactively or graphically.

We welcome submissions relevant to the area of knowledge graphs, which would address, but are not limited to, the topics mentioned in the Call for Papers of  CCKS-IJCKG 2024 full papers. We encourage submissions that describe ongoing or completed research work, reports on software systems, “idea papers” that raise interesting questions or motivate interesting lines of research without already having solid results, position papers that present a birds’ eye view of some aspect of knowledge graph as a meta-analysis, and PhD thesis abstracts. Demonstrations are intended to showcase innovative knowledge graphs and related implementations. All submissions should convey a scientific result or work in progress and should not be advertisements for commercial software packages.

All English Poster and Demo papers can be written in English, and will be peer-reviewed. Accepted English poster and demo papers will be published by Springer. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the poster. English submissions should not exceed a 6-page PDF. The above limit includes all content such as references and appendices (consistent with the requirement for regular research papers).

The manuscript template is as follows: 
– English submission Template (Springer LNCS)
All submissions should be made via the EasyChair system at (select the track “Poster and Demo”).

Please refer to “中文海报和演示征集” for Call for Chinese Posters and Demos.

Important Dates:
– Poster and Demo paper submission: July 7, 2024 July 21, 2024 23:59:59(AoE)
– Poster and Demo paper notification:  July 28, 2024 August 11, 2024
– Poster and Demo paper camera-ready: August 10, 2024 August 24, 2024

Poster and Demo Chairs:
Wen Zhang (Zhejiang University)
Manolis Koubarakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)